This is very old news by this point, but I'd like to remind everyone that Nintendo is currently providing a special offer that allows you to get an additional game for free if you purchase Mario Kart 8. The offer in question only lasts between May 30, 2014 and July 31, 2014, so you must buy the game within that time frame to benefit. It should also be noted that a Club Nintendo account is required to take advantage of this offer, as you will need to register your copy of Mario Kart 8 on Ninte
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I really like watching speedruns. It's really cool to see the sort of tricks and glitches people have come up with to get through the game faster. Recently this speed run of Half-Life was released, and its pretty cool. I'll note that this is a multi-segment run, by a group of people (you can see the current runner's name down at the bottom). So, its not a straight run-through, but its still pretty cool. Check it out.
I love to play things created by the fans; fans truly know what makes a game series great, even if the original creators do not. Which brings us to the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise... Not doing so well overall in recent times. However, the fans of this series have made some pretty stand out stuff. This is why I am creating Fan Works - a series of articles dedicated to the works of fans. It won't be all Sonic stuff, either. But today, I have two special fan games:
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