The year is 1993. We've seen 3D on TV and in the arcade. But at home? Only that one kid with the rich parents had a computer that could play 3D games, and the rest of us just had the same 2D sprites that had been kicking around since the NES days. Then here comes Nintendo, ready to once again blow you away.
Star Fox is a game about flying space triangles and exploding ground squares, or something. Maybe there's a monkey in there? The green circle at the end of the map, named Venom and piloted by the vicious Admiral Andross is turning itself into a technological powerhouse, and terraforming planets to suit his army of mechano-men, when General Pepper of the Cornerian Mothers Against Change launched a full-scale war.
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I remember growing up in the nineties quite fondly, it was an interesting time for entertainment after coming back from the Market Crashes in the nineteen eighties. When people ask me about what I remember most about those early years of my life I don't reference Bill Clinton or much of the other nineties pop and political culture pastiche. The one thing I always recall throughout the decade and leading into this one is the games, the gaming and technological landscape crashed together
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Modern First Person Shooters, marvelous aren't they? In case you didn't pick up on it, that previous statement was a sarcastic statement, most modern FPS's (Didn't know how to make that plural) are just your basic Call of Duty rip off. You know, modern military shooter, crappy campaign, Aim down sights, kill minorities etc. The only thing that game makers even try to do to make these games better is to put as much into their multiplayer as they can and as fast as they can: I am not saying that the multiplayer is bad, I am saying that the game itself is not worth the 60 dollar price tag for a game that only offers one worth while feature.
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