So if you don't know, id Software is running an open beta for the new Doom (confusing, yes it's just called "Doom"). Doom is going to come out on May 13th, so it’s about a month away. I spent some time with the open beta, and I have to say it’s looking promising. Just like Wolfenstein: The New Order, Doom is looking to be a good mix of old and new styles of shooters. However, the open beta is multiplayer only, and is pretty light on content so it’s too early to say for sure. While there are certainly things I love about this open beta, there are also things I don’t quite like about it.
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Modern First Person Shooters, marvelous aren't they? In case you didn't pick up on it, that previous statement was a sarcastic statement, most modern FPS's (Didn't know how to make that plural) are just your basic Call of Duty rip off. You know, modern military shooter, crappy campaign, Aim down sights, kill minorities etc. The only thing that game makers even try to do to make these games better is to put as much into their multiplayer as they can and as fast as they can: I am not saying that the multiplayer is bad, I am saying that the game itself is not worth the 60 dollar price tag for a game that only offers one worth while feature.
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