One of the main reasons I helped start RotW was because I'd have an excuse to code a website from scratch. RotW is a great project to work on, and I'm not sure I'll ever give up on it completely. (I even just renewed the domain name!) I've always had interest in sharing the code to RotW, and possibly give back to the community a little, but I've been putting it off until now.
Hopefully someone out there will find this code useful. I decided on the GPLv3 license,
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Hello there, Billy here. I've been implimenting some backend features and shifting around a lot of code. The only visible result of this to you is that you can now thumbs up/down comments as well as posts. I ask that you please use this feature; if we get enough ratings, I can start adding algorithms for the most quality posts and stuff like that. Regardless, please be on the look out for errors and don't hesitate to tell me about them. Also, don't he
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