Hello there, Billy here. I've been implimenting some backend features and shifting around a lot of code. The only visible result of this to you is that you can now thumbs up/down comments as well as posts. I ask that you please use this feature; if we get enough ratings, I can start adding algorithms for the most quality posts and stuff like that. Regardless, please be on the look out for errors and don't hesitate to tell me about them. Also, don't he
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Billy here, maintainer/coder for this site. If you hadn't noticed there's a sidebar on the left now. Why did I do this? Well, a lot of our content is pretty hidden, but now more of it stands out. I actually planned a major re-design of the site, but all the tests I made turned out... less than optimal. As per usual, please let me know if there's any errors on your end. Also, please feel free to suggest (reasonable) features that you'd like to see. I programmed this site from scratch for a rea
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