I have decided to undertake a great project.
NCGS National Publishing has a contest, of sorts, going on. Write a sci-fi short story of 2,000-12,000 words.
I have decided to try my hand at this.
I'm going to have to focus double hard on my story writing. This means! It's a grand oppurtunity for all you cool RotWilers to... uh... Pick up my slack.
There are openings for three guest-made Retro of the Week articles, one for each Sunday coming up until March 3, where I'll resume my usual schedule. (ie: forgetful)
So tell your friends! Ask'em what they think about a game! Get'em to write it down nicely and have'em upload!
February is shaping out to be one helluva guest month here on Retro of the Week. It's gonna be great!