Retro of the Week Logo
Fan Works #1 - Freedom Planet and SRB2
Posted by Billy
Posted on 29 September, 2012 at 1:41PM ↑ 0 ↓ 0

I love to play things created by the fans; fans truly know what makes a game series great, even if the original creators do not. Which brings us to the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise... Not doing so well overall in recent times. However, the fans of this series have made some pretty stand out stuff. This is why I am creating Fan Works - a series of articles dedicated to the works of fans. It won't be all Sonic stuff, either. But today, I have two special fan games:

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Retro of the Week - Michael Jackson
Posted by Swifto
Posted on 20 July, 2012 at 6:26PM ↑ 0 ↓ 0
Retro of the Week - Streets of Rage 2
Posted by Billy
Posted on 25 April, 2012 at 5:05PM ↑ 0 ↓ 0
Retro of the Week - Streets of Rage 2

(This RotW was originally posted on EchoNET, as of this being posted, all previous EchoNET posts are now accounted for)

Where do you even start with Streets of Rage 2, where!? I guess I'll start at the most logical place: The story.

Basically, your friend Adam from the first game has been kidnapped by the crime lord (or whatever you'd call him) Mister X. You playing as Axel, a girl named Blaze, Adam's brother Skate, or Axel's wrestler friend Max, must re-defeat the crime syndicate lead by Mr. X that has returned and kidnapped Adam. It's a pretty basic plot, but c'mon, this is a Genesis/Mega Drive game from 1992. Imagine if Sonic 2 had a huge story! So basically... the story is not important. What is important is: you have an excuse for beating some ass.

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Retro of the Week #4 - Alien Soldier
Posted by Swifto
Posted on 7 March, 2012 at 11:14PM ↑ 0 ↓ 0
Retro of the Week #4 - Alien Soldier


I'll start this by saying that while eventually I'll write about specific game companies and the games they've made, Treasure is not one I'll add to that list.

Why? Simple.

I haven't played all of their games, and I'm not likely to. Unless Radiant Silvergun and Guardian Heroes suddenly get a modern port, I'm not likely to play them. (much as I'd like to) Plus, the

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Retro of the Week #3
Posted by Swifto
Posted on 14 February, 2012 at 10:08PM ↑ 1 ↓ 0
Retro of the Week #3

Since I seem to be in some sort of a Genesis kick, let's roll with it. The second-placer in the 16-bit war had a lot going for it, but sadly, a lot of its best happened later in its life, when programmers had managed to work the hardware better. Comix Zone, which I likely won't be reviewing as I kinda suck at it, is almost a prime example of this sort of thing. A late-age Genesis game that woulda turned the tide a bit had it been released but two years earlier. Comix Zone had bright, fresh an

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Retro Of The Week #2 - Ranger X
Posted by Swifto
Posted on 13 February, 2012 at 00:00AM ↑ 1 ↓ 0
Retro Of The Week #2 - Ranger X

Hey guys! Glad you could make it!
Anyone who knows me knows I love the classics.
I like to rant and rave about the classics.
So I figured I'd start a new series here, to be updated MAYBE every week with a new game featured.
So, let's get started! Up first;
A very very little known Genesis/Megadrive game; Ranger X!
The sole release of Gau Entertainment, they put a lot of love and work into making their first title

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